Thursday, July 5, 2018

A Story of 500 lbs

First, a little back ground:

When we were moving out here we were told that it would take our stuff 2-3 months to arrive because it was going in a container ship over the sea.  Obviously, we were a little worried what we would do for those 2-3 months having only the things that we could pack in our suitcases.  It was at that point we found out that we would also get a 10X10X10 container that we could put 500 lbs worth of stuff in that they would fly out and we would get in 4-6 weeks.  Packing that is when I realized how much stuff we have in general and how much of our stuff I really don't care THAT much about (and yet, I can't let go of... go figure).  Anyhow, when word arrived that our air shipment had arrived in Bahrain we got excited.  When we found out it had made it though customs we were stoked and when it arrived at our home: Pure. Joy.

As we packed it, I realized I had no idea how much 500 lbs was, I thought I would put a ton of clothes and shoes along with some basic cooking items in and that would be it.  It turns out that we maybe hit 300 lbs of stuff and that was with me throwing in all sorts of random things at the end.  I am grateful I added a folding table and chairs, but I so wish I would have put the kids Lego's (or at least some of them) in there.  We have an empty house, they have read the books I brought a few times, we could use some Lego's!

At any rate, the first week we were here, it was just us and the clothes we had packed in our suitcases, along with a few essential things we bought, but then... the 500 lbs (ok 300ish) Air Shipment arrived!  It is always like Christmas unpacking your things in a new house and this my friends, this was even better!  When you get everything at once, it's great but it's overwhelming.  There are boxes EVERYWHERE and unpacking them all takes up so much time.  I have to make rules for myself like "you have to unpack 1 box for every sip of coffee" or "you have to unpack 5 boxes before you check you phone...unless it rings, because #reality" but when you just get a small amount at a time, it's Christmas.  Nothing overwhelming, just a couple things that remind you that you are still you and make life better.  I had everything put away more or less that day. It. Was. Awesome.

...and the twinados made a mini box fort so, winning, all around!

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