Monday, September 27, 2010

My kids like organization and rain

My children are attracted to order, organization and tidiness.  For example, on one end of the couch I can have a pile of laundry that is ready to be put in the washer, it's just tossed on there, chaos, dirt and all.  On the other end of the couch is a pile of neatly folded laundry, ready to be plunked into drawers.  Which pile do you think my kids go for?  Yep, the folded pile, the pile that's a picture of order, organization and tidiness.   They take that pile and neatly and evenly spread it throughout the house.  The pile that's a mess and already dirty, they leave that sucker right where it is.  Like I said, they are attracted to organization.  

Today we had a little bit of rain, and by that I mean it was a torrential down pour for about an hour and then rained off and on the rest of the day.  The twins love rain and after we made them come inside from splashing around, they stood at the window and watched the rain come down while playing with cars. 

Rain is great (when you don't have a huge outdoor activity planned)!  So cozy and refreshing. Growing up in a desert I think I have an extra appreciation for rain.  The smell before and after rain, the way everything looks a little more green after the rain, I love it.  And in New Mexico rain almost always meant thunder.  Oh how I LOVE thunder.  I used to lay on my bed and listen to the sound of the thunder as it rolled down the canyon.  It moves my soul just thinking about it.  




post-rain puddle splashing is great too, here are my two favorite little puddle jumpers:

it's difficult to get a close up of little buddy when he is on the move!



Well, I am going to have to cut this short, cookies are done and I am off to go get said cookies.  Gotta get them while they are still hot and fresh out of the oven.  I love cookies, and these cookies have a whole stick of butter in them!  How can you go wrong with that?   If me and Cookie Monster ever got together, let me tell you, it would be a party!


Ashley said...

They are getting so big!

Unknown said...

i love rain, too! it must be a NM thing. so many fond memories of playing in gutters, watching "fireworks" (aka: lightening) at night, the smell, oh the smell.