Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Is laundry ever NOT calling?

Well, for once I have a few moments to sit at the computer while the twins are awake. We are all dressed and ready to go to the gym, just waiting for Jonathan to get home. The twins are miraculously playing by themselves and so I thought I would write in my neglected blog. As I write, I sit in our house in Georgia, can I just say I have never been more excited to move away from a place as I am here? For one, I don't do heat and humidity gracefully and it's pretty much hot and humid here all the time. And it's only getting worse. My next complaint, and really the one that has me all revved up to move is the latest addition to our neighborhood. ...it's really quiet...that's not usually a good sign with toddlers, hold on.......no worries, they just locked themselves in their room with the light off, no ER trip required, we are good! Anyhow....our neighbors... It started out with a simple request from the grandmother to help with the A/C. Then the little boy came over and asked to borrow pliers, not a big deal. Then it got a little creepy when the very pregnant mother came over to ask for cigarettes at 10:50 at night. It's about then that I had Jonathan show me where he had been keeping the gun and ammo. Then the little boy knocked on the door with a huge plastic jug asking for water. Apparently they did not have any water at their house! Needless to say, I have been a little more diligent about locking doors and other safety related issues.

I have been excited about the fact that we are getting rain most afternoons. I am usually not a big fan of rain, but seeing as how the A/C in this house struggles to keep the temperature below 80 degrees, the rain usually cools down the house just enough for me to be comfortable. Also, it usually cools down the house enough so that I can turn the oven on in the evenings. Which in turn allows for yummy things like cookies and muffins! I have found a whole wheat muffin recipe that after some experimenting I have really come to enjoy. This coming from someone who does not enjoy cooking or baking, is saying a lot.

So I wrote all that yesterday, I don't remember what happened, but most likely a kid started crying and I just never made it back to the computer! And whatever else I had been planning on writing about is long gone as well. I guess that's all for now. Laundry is calling ;)

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