Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Beginnings of My New Years Goals

I am sure I will be rambling about goals for the New Year will into February, but I guess you just have to start with what you have and go from there.

This year I want to say the encouraging/positive things that go through my head to the woman around me.  So often I see the lady checking out my groceries at the store and think things like "wow, that shirt looks great on her" or "I love her hair style" but I walk away without saying a thing.  It's so great to get a random compliment, so why not verbalize those things to other people?  As women we seem to struggle with self confidence and self esteem so much and maybe this can make a small dent in combating it in the lives of women who cross my path.  So there you have it, go look in the mirror and tell yourself you are fabulous because you are fearfully and wonderfully made and then go tell someone else!

Another New Year goal?  Eat better, I have almost no self control when it comes to what I put in my mouth.  It's a good thing I have twins and don't have much time to eat or I am sure things would not be pretty.  But I do want to take better care of my body and start throwing it a bone (a healthy one, like a salmon one, or chicken, not one made of solid sugar) more consistently, like maybe 3 solid times a day.  But along those lines, I also want to learn not to beat myself up so much about the unhealthy stuff I do eat.  It's not like all I eat is unhealthy, while I want to improve, I also don't want to obsess and make myself feel guilty when I do indulge!  Sounds like two opposing goals?  Maybe, but I think I can make it work!

Well there is a start, but be prepared to hear more ;)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

good goals! somewhere back in the day I stopped making new years resolutions. Maybe because it'd always be things like "floss daily" which I never would end up doing more than a month. can it be a goal to make goals in life again?