Thursday, August 19, 2010

Excuse me, excuse me please, I need to get up on that soapbox...

{taking a BIG step up on a soapbox}

Let me start off with something my husband wrote: "I'm excited about the progress being made in Iraq, I'm proud of what the Iraqi people have done for themselves, and I'm proud of how our military has helped make it all possible. However, I can't help but find it irritating that our politicians feel the need to tell everyone that all "combat troops" have left Iraq so they can brag about the "change" in time for elections when the only real change that has taken place is purely semantics. Our Soldiers are still in the same country, facing the same enemy, engaged in the same combat they were before we re-classified them as non-combat troops. Are Americans really so simple minded that our politician's think this is going to make a difference? Sadly, I think I know the answer."

Just so you know, we have friends currently deployed to Iraq.  My brother is currently deployed in Iraq and he is not scheduled to come home anytime soon.  In fact, one of my husband's friends is currently training to deploy to Iraq here in a few months.  Not only are our soldier not all coming home, we are still sending them out there.  All this stuff in the news about all of our combat troops coming home is semantics.  They are there but not "combat" troops.  We are calling our soldiers by a different name, but that's the only thing that has changed, a name.  So while it sounds great to say "all of our combat troops are coming home," in reality that translates to, there is a brigade coming home and everyone still there and deploying to Iraq in the future will be called non-combat troops.  Mildly insulting, I am not that dumb CNN (and other media outlets), we are not up and pulling everyone out.  I am not that dumb Obama (and other politicians), there are still American soldiers in Iraq and there will be for a long time.  Not everything you read in the newspaper/online/see of TV is fact.  The media is wrong and not just once in a great while, they are wrong a lot.  Journalism is not what it used to be, not held to the same standards.  Please America (and world) don't be that naive.

{stepping down of the soapbox, though I am making no promises that I will stay off}  

stay safe out there Dev!!

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