Friday, November 12, 2010

Last of the crisp days, we are headed to COLD!

Last weekend Jonathan drove over 18 hours round trip to visit the kids and I for a couple days.  What a good husband.  :)  We had a wonderful time.  We ate delicious food, we fed ducks at the pond, we went for walks and in between we relaxed. 



family shot!

It ended way too soon, but I guess good things commonly do.  Maybe that's part of what makes them so good, they leave you wanting a little more.  Since he headed back to Phoenix, the weather has been getting colder and colder.  Our days of crisp fall weather are gone, now they are cold, but that's ok.  Cold days mean things like fires and hot cups of tea.  But, before the snow starts we are enjoying fallen leaves as much as possible. 




there is a grandma somewhere beneath the kids and leaves!

For now, the sky is a deep blue, the kind of blue that touches your soul, the kind that makes you feel like your heart is swelling up to twice it's size because it really is that beautiful.


Eventually the snow clouds will roll in, and cover the picture outside the windows in white and everything will look new and fresh and calm.  I am kinda hoping we will get to see at least a little snow before we head back to Phoenix.  I don't have any warm clothes for myself or Austin and Lanna, but I would like them to get a chance to see snow again, I am guessing they don't remember it!


Unknown said...

You have an awesome eye for photography. The family photos are always lovely, then the ones of Austin and Lana against the leaves are both adorable and artistic, and just the leaves and sky are simply poetic! Thank you so much for taking the time and sharing.

Unknown said...

It sure was nice seeing you and the kids last weekend! I can't wait to have the whole family together in our new house soon! I love you and miss you!

mayrs said...

The pictures are beautiful and I'm glad you were able to have a nice family weekend! You know I hear it was snowing already back in CO. Figures - I move and it snows like crazy hahahaha!

Unknown said...

wow that sky is blue blue blue! :)

Ashley said...

Glad you got to see your hubs! Hopefully soon you guys will be back in Az and we can plan a get together!