Thursday, December 9, 2010

Potty Training and Toddler Beds

The other morning (only a couple days after potty training incident number one) Jonathan said to me "do you think we should try putting the kids in their big kid underwear today?"  I told him, it did not go well for me, but since I was headed to run errands and he was going to be home with the kids for a while, he could try it if he wanted to.  So on went Thomas and Minnie.  Before I could get out of the house Austin had two accidents, but at least he pee on the tile and poop when Jonathan was in charge. ;)  I went to Target and when I got home Austin and Lanna were in diapers.  I asked Jonathan about it and he said "I gave up, they can wear diapers until they are 12."  Any other takers?  Two parents down, whose next?

We also switched the twins to toddler beds and I am afraid that it's going to mean the end of naps.  If I do get them to nap it's usually an hour or more of struggling and then I end up having to wake them up so they don't sleep to late.  It's also been a fight at night.  I am really regretting switching, but I don't want to switch them back either.  Last night they did not get to bed until 11:30 and then Austin was up at 7:00 this morning, that can't be good!  I guess we will just keep chugging along and hope it evens out eventually.  They used to sleep around 11 hours at night and take a 2-3 hour nap, so this has been a huge change.

So this blog has been sitting on my screen for a few days waiting to be finished and it's just not happening, so I am going to post it! 



1 comment:

Hannah Herman said...

Hang in there. I know I haven't done it yet, but I taught a lot of kids who were just finishing up the potty training. I always liked the philosophy of doing whatever it took to get them potty trained, candy, toys, etc because no one wants to change a 30 year old's diaper. On the flip side, they won't be in diapers forever. They'll get the idea soon.

Meanwhile, those pictures are beautiful. Especially the lighting for Austin's. Love it.