Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hello Blog, I have missed you!

I have been terrible about keeping my blog updated lately, and really it's not like I am just super busy beyond the normal level of craziness!  I am so far behind on Christmas shopping it's not even funny.  So I guess I will have to be VERY busy soon.  I have been feeling guilty about not sending out Christmas cards this year, there was just no way that was going to happen, maybe next year! :)  But here I am, finally doing a little blog catch up!

My mom flew into town for Christmas and it's WONDERFUL having her here!  Austin and Lanna are enjoying have their Grammie around and have been a lot less fussy since her arrival.  :)

The kids latest obsession is "horsey-back rides" and Jonathan has perfected it.  Well kinda ;)

I believe he was begging for help here ;)



The twins have also discovered the joy of dragging as many toys as possible into random places, like the bathroom, before I can stop them.
can you say EWWW!  We use a lot of Clorox in this house...

They also love helping me bake/cook.  It is hard for me to let them help because I want everything done just so, but I am working on it.  Anyhow, you would not believe the kind of time I devote to trying to think of ways I can let them help me when I am cooking or baking.  I have been wanting to make sugar cookies in cool Christmas shapes and let them decorate but I don't have any cookie cutters and every time I have remembered to check at the grocery store they are sold out!  Maybe next grocery trip :)  In the mean time we made Chex Mix.


Since mom is here and we have a live in babysitter, Jonathan and I took advantage and these puppies got dug out of a box and dusted off

How can a girl not take advantage of a chance to put a little extra effort into appearance and hold her sexy man's arm while out on the town? ;)
Please ignore the toys and books scattered around, we do have two toddlers ya know ;)

I have been trying and trying to get a picture of Austin and Lanna in front of the Christmas tree while they are wearing something that could be considered festive, but I have gotten a lot of this:

or this

or something that is really close but someone had to put a car up by her mouth ;)
I will get one though, I can feel it!

In the mean time we are relaxing with Grammie and trying not to think about all the Christmas shopping that still needs to be done.  And Jonathan came up with the latest bath time craze


Once an Army brat, I guess it always effects your life ;)


Jordan said...

I love the photo of the twins in the bathroom with all of the toys! What a joy - I imagine you smile often at their antics. Good to see you back in the blogging sphere. :)

Unknown said...

you should send valentine's day letters/cards instead! :)
I love the bathtime toy idea! I sent it on to Chelsea, too.

Anonymous said...

hahahaha! the kids are so cute!!! You 2 are looking cute and like you are settling out of Army life very well!!!
