Friday, September 10, 2010

bubbles, grocery carts, princess shoes and lollipops

Sunday night while Jonathan and I were giving the twitters a bath we heard suspicious bubbles coming up.   Jonathan leaned down, slightly over the tub, looked the twitters in the eyes and asked "did someone make a stinky?"  Lanna looked up with the most happy, innocent expression and said "no, toot!"  I am telling you, no one but a chubby cheek two year old can say that phrase and make it so gosh-darn cute.  This is an old picture from about a year ago, but it was pretty much this same facial expression.


In other news, we took a family trip to Walmart over Labor Day Weekend.  I have this undeniable skill, or maybe it's a curse...anyhow, I am always able to pick out the squeakiest, loudest cart within the ones available to me.  And most of the time it pulls either to the right or to the left.  A while back I thought I had my skill/curse beat when I decided to start choosing grocery carts from the cart return area in the parking lot.  It made sense in my head.  I would chose from a batch of pre-screened carts!  That had to up my odds of finding something that could at least be considered descent.  While I think my luck may have improved an etsy-bitsy, teeny-tiny amount, it was nothing to write home about.  I still clanked, clicked, and squeaked my way through the store.  So now, I still get some squeaky grocery carts, but at least I have been slightly appeased with the knowledge that I am not the only one suffering under this curse.   It seems though, that the loud-squeaky-cart-picking gene skips a generation.   One day Lanna insisted on picking out our grocery cart and it was perfect.  Ok, maybe not perfect, but it did not pull to either side and was generally quiet and smooth with only an occasional squeak, squeal or click.  Since then she has refused to pick out a cart no matter how long I stand there, stomping my feet, insisting she chose and not me.  Maybe all of the ones available are bad ones and she does not want to tarnish her upstanding reputation.  At least that is what I tell myself when I finally acquiesce and pick the cart and it squeals so loud it echoes.   

Speaking of Lanna, did I tell you she is a princess.  If you ask her "Is you name Lanna?"  She says "NO, Lanna Princess."  If you say "Are you a little girl?"  She says "no, PRINCESS!"  It's pretty cute.  She even insists on wearing her "princess shoes" every night while we are reading bedtime stories.  


I once tried to tell her they are actually more like Dorthy shoes from The Wizard of Oz, bad move, I don't recommend it. 

Austin got a haircut today.  It was his first official haircut.  I have cut his hair with clippers at home before but this was the first time we went somewhere to have someone else cut it (AKA: a professional).  Poor little buddy, he was so stoked about getting his haircut.  Jonathan came and got his hair cut first and Austin sat in the chair across from him and said "Buddy hair cut, Buddy's turn" (yes, he refers to himself as Buddy, my hope is that one day he will know his name is Austin but for now Buddy is a darn cute nickname that seems to have stuck), and he was so excited!  Then he got stuck in the foot rest part of the chair and subsequently cried sad little crocodile tears through his whole haircut.  He looked so cute sitting there in that big chair!  Luckily he is dying to go back and get a new hair cut, all thanks to a little miracle called a lollipop.  He and Lanna both received their first lollipops today and let me tell you, he was one little happy camper walking out that door with a green sucker in his mouth.  He even told me that he was ready for his next haircut as soon as he finished his "pop."  :) 

jazzed and ready for his turn
not so jazzed...



so sad, yet so gosh darn cute...



Just remember, it all ended happy, lollipop in hand.  (why I failed to get a picture of this?!?!  I am a bad mom, that's all I got)


PinkyB said...

You aren't the only one that has the knack for picking out the cart with the bad (embarrassingly loud) wheel!

Princess Lanna is so pretty! I love her hair & her red shoes.

Awww...poor Austin. At least the 'pop' did the trick & he's not permanently traumatized.

Jordan said...

Your kids are so adorable and I love the stories you tell!

Unknown said...

Lanna IS a princess and I'm glad she knows it. I've been trying hard to make sure she knows she is daddy's little princess.

And yes, my little buddy was quite upset by the time he actually got his haircut. Hopefully next time we can make it a little smoother.