Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Future Mountain Climber?

Funny story - Austin has learned how to climb into his (or Lanna's) crib by himself.  He learned to do this because he wanted his binky.  The binkies in our house stay in their cribs and they only get them at nap time and night time, one day we will take them away but I am not ready for that yet.  Anyhow, I finally had to start storing binkies somewhere else since Austin would climb in to get his.  So one day I was in their room playing with them and Austin started climbing in his crib so I told him "Buddy, your binky is not in there."  So he shifted to climbing into Lanna's crib and I said "Buddy, your binky in not in there either, mama has the binkies."  As I said that I pointed to myself.  You know, kind of tapping my chest saying "mama has the binkies."  So Austin got down and walked over to me and pulled the neck of my shirt out, leaned his little head over, looked down at where I had been pointing to myself and said "binky?"  :)  Not quite little buddy. 

Here is Austin climbing:
starting out

up he goes

switch to the other side?!?!

almost there...

almost there...

success!  now to try and help Lanna :) 

He knows he can climb into cribs, yet he has not figured out yet that he can climb OUT of them, my day is coming though! 


Jordan said...

So adorable! I love the first picture - really good composition. And then the progression is just classic... :)

Unknown said...

I'm so proud of my little buddy for being so skilled! We should put the binkies back so he has incentive to keep climbing...