Wednesday, September 29, 2010

saddle up AZ, here we come!

Hello insanity!!  I don't even know where to start.  Jonathan got the job offer we have been holding out for!!!!!  WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!  He also got another job offer, and one of the previous job offers got better.  AHHHHH!!  All that said, we are 99.999999999% sure that he is going to take the one he has been hoping for.  We have to tell them tomorrow, so there is still time to totally change our minds, but as of now, we are pretty confident.  Although, if I had a wool fleece I would be headed outside to place it on the ground and be checking for dew ASAP tomorrow morning!  But as it is, it's safe to say....we are headed to Arizona!  The crazy part, we are leaving Friday.  Yeah, that's in 2 days.   They want Jonathan to start October 11th.  That means if we finish packing tomorrow, load up the truck Thursday, leave Friday, drive Friday through Monday (about 8 hours a day) we will get there on the 4th and have 6 days to find a house, buy it (or rent it depending) and move in.  AHHHHH!!!  It's all happening TOO fast!  I would write more and post pictures right now, but I really should be filling boxes and taping them shut, so I am off to do just that.  Peace out blogosphere, I will write when I get to Arizona.


Ashley said...

How exciting and scary all at the same time! Tell me the city since you know I am in Az. Maybe we could meet up sometime.

Unknown said...

wow! that's a quick move! best of luck!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you guys got the job you wanted!!! Congratulations!!! Just breathe and good good good luck on your move! Miss ya!!
